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Well, I've been living in Jambi since born and that's the reason why I had thought that going abroad is as high as your dream : too beautiful to be remembered it hurts you. There were so many chances came to me but it just faded as dust. Trying for five years is not too long, but gave me a breathtaking experiences. Till SEAMOE (Southeast Asian Minister of Education) gave an opportunity for my university and I to participate its program.

Southeast Asia (SEA) - Teacher Project was introduced to me by Mrs. Rohati, as the Head of Mathematics Department. Based on the experience five years ago, I would like to say "give up" as soon as possible, because I realized it was taking so much time for me to loosen up from the "past". But my lecturer, Ms. Ranisa, encouraged me to even just try it. Thus, I prepared all materials required (just to fulfill her wish, actually ^.^").

And... this is it! After such a test, I successed to go to the next level! A bunch of thanks for all my support systems I can't tell one by one. The tests were not as hard as people thought, actually. The key from me is "just be yourself as who you are" ^.^ Don't forget that you're going abroad with a mission : to be a better teacher being needed in the future. It is easy to talk, but the responsibility is certainly more severe. But that is kind of path I'm walking through now.


Finally, me and the other friends from University of Jambi (let's call it UNJA from now =.=') got an information about the place we're going to. I got Thailand as the destination country and Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University as my host university. But, Goddess of Fortune didn't on my side at that time because... I had to go by myself there, which means ALONE. Me alone, and all my friends are together??

Alone from Jambi? Well... My parents are kinda worry about it since I'm the youngest and an unexperienced-of-going-abroad girl (or woman?). I was trying to tell them the positive about it : I was told to be able to be a single fighter in a foreign country, which means that I have to experience how to live independently. And yeah... finally my parents recognized about how old their daughter had been...

Before going to Thailand, I needed to go to Jakarta first. It was not my first time having a flight, but being trapped in Sultan Thaha airport for an hour because of delay is not my style. When I arrived in Jakarta, I stayed at my father's office near Soekarno Hatta airport while waiting for the next flight in the early morning.


02.15 A.M, time for me to checked in. We, all the participants from Indonesia, had been already made group via LINE so it's easier for us to contact each other. Because we neded to prepared everything, we didn't get sleep at all. Thus, we took our three-hours flight as an opportunity to get revenge : SLEEP. When arrived, we walked to the exit gate, and finally met our buddies for the first time.


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