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The purpose of this program is to enable pre-service student teachers to develop their teaching skills and pedagogy, to encourage the pre-service student teachers to practice their English skills, and to allow the pre-service student teachers to gain a broader regional and world view. In my objective, the purpose of following this program is to know more about other ASEAN country’s culture and behaviour and to be ready to be the part of globalize era.

The procedures of practicum :
§  Get your topic. Make sure that the topic in your host country has similarity with your nation’s so there would not be misunderstanding and/or miscommunication.
§  Prepare your lesson plan. You have to consult with your cooperating teacher whether you have to make your host country’s version or your country’s. Don’t forget to imagine what you need to and should do when you teach in class.
§  Give it to cooperating teacher to be checked. It is important to know what mistakes have done and revised it before you be evaluated.
§  Revised the lesson plan.
§  Give the lesson plan few days before H day to you cooperating teacher and mentors. Never give it sudden.
What made me proud is that I was mentored and being evaluated by experienced-in-years professors! I could ask them anything related to education and teaching, what is my strength and weakness, and also advices to revise all mistakes done. I even got so many inputs to improve myself not only to be a better teacher in the future, but also to be a teacher that ready to face any education problem and issue in this globalization era.

Every teacher have always problems with class; the room, the students, the facilities, etc. According to the room and facilities, Chiengraknoi has what is needed. A clean room, proper desks and chairs, whiteboard and spidols, computer and its LCD projector, the fingertouched screen, etc. The only problem for the teacher is the students theirselves. Every grade, every section, every gender have a special trick it could be controlled. My suggestion is the teacher must try several method, model, and approach of learning so the teacher can decide what learning method is suited for a class.
The biggest challenges of teaching in Thai is that most of the students can’t speak English. They might can hear, but it was limited because we had different pronounciation and accent. Keep on your google translate. Take a note that you may not be ashamed of using body languange because it really helped me a lot. Never get tired of learning Thai words, especially for daily conversation. It might be your chance to expert Thai as your another languange.
As what I experienced, teaching abroad has its own challenge. Not only have to teach in English, sometimes I have to learn a little bit Thai to get closer to my students. Not only teaching as I did in my country, I also realized that the differences I faced here also take effect of my way of teaching. At first, I thought that teaching abroad will not have much difference with teaching in my own country. But the reality is that I’ve got so much more than I could imagine, I can’t explain one by one.


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